Economy in Afghanistan

Economy in Afghanistan

The economy of the Afghan people is affected by many factors and is in a complex situation. Some of the key things about the economy of the people of Afghanistan are:

  1. Agriculture: More than half of Afghanistan’s population is engaged in agriculture, and this part of the country’s economy plays an essential role. Important agricultural products include wheat, barley, cotton, jujube, grapes, mango, and saffron.

  2. Industry and factories: Industry in Afghanistan is less developed compared to agriculture. Most of the factories operate in the fields of food production, textile, production of construction materials and processing of agricultural products.

  3. Trade and marketing: Trade and marketing also play an important role in Afghanistan’s economy. The country is known as an important commercial center for the exchange of goods and services in South and West Asia.

  4. Effects of war and insecurity: Years of war and insecurity in Afghanistan have caused the destruction of infrastructure, the loss of capital, and the imposition of heavy economic costs on the society.

  5. Lack of financial resources: Afghanistan’s economy also faces the problem of lack of financial resources, which has many negative effects on economic development and growth.

  6. Drug addiction: Drug addiction is one of the serious economic challenges in Afghanistan, which, according to research, has had destructive effects on the economic development and improvement of this country.

Considering these conditions, the Afghan government and international communities are working to strengthen various economic sectors and create stability and development in this country.

Why most people have poor economy

The reasons that cause the poor economy of most people are diverse and complex and can be caused by various factors. Below are some of these reasons:

  1. Unemployment: Unemployment is one of the main factors of a weak economy. The existence of high unemployment means the inability of people to earn a decent income and provide for the basic needs of themselves and their families. In countries with a weak economy, the unemployment rate is high and many people cannot find a suitable job easily.

  2. Lack of economic opportunities: In some countries or regions, economic opportunities are limited. This may be due to lack of investment, sanctions, or unfavorable political and social conditions that limit job creation and economic growth.

  3. Social and political pressures: Some people may be subjected to social and political pressures that cause restrictions in economic activities and earning proper income. For example, in some countries, racial, gender discrimination or wrongful policies may deprive people of economic opportunities.

  4. Lack of basic infrastructure and services: The presence of inappropriate infrastructure such as sustainable water and electricity, effective communications, and appropriate health and medical services can also increase costs and reduce economic efficiency in society.

  5. Corruption and inappropriateness of the administrative system: The presence of corruption and defects in the administrative system can weaken the economy. Corruption can lead to wasting resources, reducing investment, and weakening public confidence in the economic system.

  6. Lack of necessary abilities and skills: In some cases, the lack of abilities and skills necessary for modern jobs and proper marketing can prevent people from improving their economic status.

  7. International sanctions and measures: Some countries may face economic problems due to international sanctions and economic measures, which can have negative effects on people’s economy.

In general, the weak economy of the people is usually caused by a combination of social, economic, political and cultural factors that require government measures and international communities to improve the economic and social conditions in these areas.

Weak economy, poverty and unemployment caused the migration of more Afghan people

Yes, the weak economy, poverty and unemployment are the main reasons for the migration of most Afghans to other countries. Below are some of the reasons for this migration:

  1. Limited economic opportunities: The existence of a weak economy and high unemployment in Afghanistan means a lack of suitable economic opportunities for the people. Many people are looking for better jobs and independent income that are not available in their own country.

  2. Poverty and lack of provision of basic needs: Poverty and lack of provision of basic needs including food, water, housing and health can force people to seek a better and sustainable life in other countries.

  3. Lack of security and insecurity: The situation of insecurity and security threats in Afghanistan can force people to migrate and seek security in other countries.

  4. Sanctions and economic restrictions: Some sanctions and economic restrictions have a direct impact on Afghanistan and cause a decrease in economic activities and create more unemployment, as a result, people look for better opportunities in other countries. they run away